Could Cannabis Lube Be the Secret to Enhanced Female Sexual Pleasure?

Posted on
November 25, 2018

Cannabis Lubrication and Sexual Pleasure

Just when I thought I had finally become familiar with all the possible medical uses of cannabis, I came across a few articles touting the benefits of cannabis lube for female orgasm.

Cannabis lubricants and other cannabis-infused sensual aids are on many women’s radars, not to mention going into their nightstand drawers.  But does cannabis really help with women’s sexual health and wellbeing?

Anecdotally, Women Say Cannabis Lube Can:

  • reduce their stress that, in turn, can facilitate more pleasure.
  • enhance their creativity which could translate to a willingness to try new things.
  • lower inhibitions to get them “out of their head.”
  • increase hormonal production that could ‘open up’ emotions such as passion.
  • ease discomfort and pain, particular during and post menopause.
  • enhance physical sensitivity and sensation and potentially increasing orgasms or orgasm intensity.

The Skinny On Cannabis Lube

  • It is just as much a relaxation aid as a sexual aid.
  • It takes 20-40 minutes to work.
  • Cannabis oil is an experience in itself. Sex isn’t required, but it certainly makes it better.
  • A lot of cannabis lube formulations should not be used in combination with latex. The oils in the product can cause latex to break down and render your protection useless.

The Basic Breakdown of How Cannabis Lube Works Its Magic:

Isolated Cannabis Bud for making cannabis lube
  1. The mucous membranes present in a woman’s genitals (and there are a lot) absorb the THC in the oil lubricant
  2. The cannabinoids act locally on the cannabinoid receptors.
  3. This causes the capillaries to dilate and increases blood flow to that area.  This causes the lower portion of your body to relax and increases blood flow to all parts of your vaginal.
  4. This enhanced circulation magnifies sensitivity and sensation.

Put all those things together and you’ve got a very enjoyable experience.

THC absorbed in the vagina technically should not make you feel ‘high’.

** Take careful note that if you are using an oil-based lube, they are not compatible with latex or polyisoprene condoms and can degrade any rubber-based sexual aids or accessories. While no substance introduced with condoms is 100% safe for the integrity of the condom material, some product websites claim they should be okay to use with lambskin, polyurethane, or nitrile condoms.

Click Here to Learn More About Cannabis Lube